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Peripheral Nerve Repair Graft Product Approved by NMPA


On October 28, 2020, NMPA granted Innovative Approval to Peripheral Nerve Repair Graft Product produced by Jiangsu Yitong Biotechnology Co. LTD. The composition of the product is a pioneer at home and abroad; The catheter part plays the role of bridge, providing a suitable space for nerve regeneration, and preventing or reducing the invasion of surrounding connective tissue. The micropores in the tube wall are conducive to material exchange and blood vessel growth. The scaffolds embedded in the catheter provide suitable climbing conditions for guiding the growth of glial cells and axons. With the repair and functional reconstruction of the defective nerve, the product is gradually degraded and absorbed in the body.

The raw materials of the product are relatively easy to obtain and the technical requirements in clinical use are relatively simple. Therefore, the product can be easily promoted in the future.

Link: https://www.nmpa.gov.cn/yaowen/ypjgyw/20201118105757176.html