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NMPA Approved 172 Medical Devices in March, 2020


In March, 2020, NMPA has approved a total of 172 medical devices. 131 of them are domestic Class III medical devices, 18 of them are imported Class III medical devices, 22 of them are imported Class II medical devices and 1 of them is from the Taiwan medical device.

Link: http://www.nmpa.gov.cn/WS04/CL2121/376511.html

Please find the approved imported medical devices in March, 2020 as below. If you want to know

more about your device category, clinical pathways, predicate information and other related to

your China business, please do not hesitate to contact us info@inspirativemed.com.

Approved Imported Medical Devices in March 2020

No. Product Name Registrant Name Certificate Number
Imported Class III Medical Devices
1. Video Nasopharyngoscope XION GmbH 国械注进20203060100
2. NexCore Dual-cured core build-up composite Resin META BIOMED CO., LTD. 国械注进20203170104
3. MCS HyperSoft 3D MicroVention, Inc. 国械注进20203130105
4. Roxolid Implant Institut Straumann AG 国械注进20203170106
5. DIVERGENCE Anterior Cervical Fusion System Medtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc. 国械注进20203130123
6. ToggleLoc System Biomet Sports Medicine 国械注进20203130124
7. Slittable Outer Catheter St. Jude Medical Cardiac Rhythm Management Division 国械注进20203030125
8. Slittable Inner Catheter St. Jude Medical Cardiac Rhythm Management Division 国械注进20203030126
9. PreludeEase Hydrophilic Sheath Introducer Merit Medical Systems, Inc. 国械注进20203030127
10. Micro Catheter 株式会社パイオラックスメディカルデバイス 国械注进20203030128
11. REDAPT Acetabular System Smith & Nephew, Inc. 国械注进20203130129
12. ATTUNE Stemmable Tibial Components DePuy (Ireland) 国械注进20203130130
13. XEN Glaucoma Treatment System Allergan 国械注进20203160132
14. Restoris MultiCompartmental Knee System MAKO SURGICAL CORP. 国械注进20203130133
15. Abutment and Component MegaGen Implant Co.,Ltd. 国械注进20203170134
16. Cleavage Medium Vitrolife Sweden AB 国械注进20203180135
17. R350 Guidewire Vascular Solutions LLC 国械注进20203030136
18. DIVERGENCE-L Anterior/Oblique Lumbar Fusion System Medtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc. 国械注进20203130137
Imported Class II Medical Devices
19 Knives for Ophthalmic Surgery for Single-use SIDAPHARM P.C. 国械注进20202160096
20 VitalStim® Plus Electrotherapy System DJO, LLC 国械注进20202090099
21 Arthroscopy Instruments Biomet Sports Medicine 国械注进20202040101
22 Dental Drills for Implant Surgery OSSTEM IMPLANT Co., Ltd. 国械注进20202170102
23 GLUMA Ceramic Primer Kulzer GmbH 国械注进20202170103
24 ImmunoCAP Allergen t6, Mountain Juniper Phadia AB 国械注进20202400107
25 ImmunoCAP Allergen w22, Japanese Hop Phadia AB 国械注进20202400108
26 QUANTA Flash β2GP1-Domain1 Controls INOVA Diagnostics, Inc. 国械注进20202400109
27 ImmunoCAP Allergen g6, Timothy Phadia AB 国械注进20202400110
28 ImmunoCAP Allergen g2, Bermuda grass Phadia AB 国械注进20202400111
29 ImmunoCAP Allergen t11, Maple leaf sycamore, London plane Phadia AB 国械注进20202400112
30 ArcCHECK Sun Nuclear Corporation 国械注进20202050113
31 Dental Electrical Motor System Kaltenbach & Voigt GmbH 国械注进20202170114
32 Mobilization and Treatment table Lojer Oy 国械注进20202150115
33 Medical Images Processing Software Siemens Healthcare GmbH 国械注进20202210116
34 MapCHECK3 Sun Nuclear Corporation 国械注进20202050117
35 Automatic Immunoblotting System HUMAN Gesellschaft fur Biochemica und Diagnostica mbH 国械注进20202220118
36 Endo Irrigation Tip VDW GmbH 国械注进20202170119
37 The Actreen Range B. Braun Medical SAS 国械注进20202140120
38 NuSmile ZR Crowns NuSmile.Ltd 国械注进20202170121
39 Rainbow Shine Block Genoss Co., Ltd. 国械注进20202170122
40 Long Term Temporary Resin Cement B.J.M.LABORATORIES LTD. 国械注进20202170131
Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan Medical Device
41  Medical Support Stocking SunPolar 国械注许20202160002